Platform Explorer / Nuxeo Platform LTS 2017 9.10

Contribution org.nuxeo.ecm.core.trash.TrashService--configuration

This contribution is part of XML component org.nuxeo.ecm.core.trash.TrashService inside nuxeo-core-9.10.jar /OSGI-INF/trash-service.xml


Property defining the behavior when putting a checked in document in the trash. When true, the document will be kept checked in (this avoids growing quotas). When false, the document will be checked out (compatibility behavior).

Extension Point

Extension point configuration of component ConfigurationService.

Contributed Items

  • <property name="org.nuxeo.trash.keepCheckedIn">true</property>

XML Source

<extension point="configuration" target="org.nuxeo.runtime.ConfigurationService">
      Property defining the behavior when putting a checked in document in the trash.
      When true, the document will be kept checked in (this avoids growing quotas).
      When false, the document will be checked out (compatibility behavior).
    <property name="org.nuxeo.trash.keepCheckedIn">true</property>